Friday, October 14, 2011

Tree Octopus

The "Tree octopus"

The "tree octopus" is not real. It all happend when this professor
of a collage tricked his student into doing a report,
on the "tree octopus" then he made this "tree octopus" website
by the way is still going on......anyway the website name is
anywhy, the octopus he lives in a tree so he told his collage students to go to this website and research the things he made up about the "tree octopus" and so the students researched the stuff they saw on the website and so the collage professor was waiting for the students to say thats not real thats a myth octopi live in the water not in a tree!!! but the collage prof. learned a lesson and the students. he learned that what he does and teaches his students..... can acctually get him fired actually some studies say that 10% of the time teachers and proffesors can get fired of what they do!!!
and the students learned that the students should NEVER always belive what you see or hear on the world wide web PS: the proffesor did not get fired. SO DON'T ALWAYS GO TO DUMB COLLAGES AND LOOK AT REALLY REALLY REALLY GOOD! COLLAGES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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